I’ve been doing a lot of teaching on the
idea of ideas lately and came across these excellent quotes.
People always want to know: Where do I get
my ideas? They're everywhere. I'm inspired by people and things around me.
(Gwendolyn Brooks, American poet)
My standard answer is "I don't know
where they come from, but I know where they come to, they come to my
desk." If I'm not there, they go away again, so you've got to sit and
think. (Philip Pullman, English writer)
Ideas come to a writer, a writer does not
search for them. "Ideas come to me like birds that I see in the corner of
my eye," I say to journalists, "and I may try, or may not, to get a
closer fix on those birds." (Patricia Highsmith, American crime writer)
It's very blurred, it's not clear. The
plan is something which gradually evolves. Usually, I'll just start with one
particular idea or certain image or even just a mood and gradually it'll kind
of grow when other things attach themselves to it. (Jane Rogers, British
novelist, editor, and teacher)
Anything can set things going--an
encounter, a recollection. I think writers are great rememberers. (Gore Vidal,
American novelist, playwright, essayist)
You can write about anything, and
if you write well enough, even the reader with no intrinsic interest in the
subject will become involved.
(Tracy Kidder, literary journalist)
(Tracy Kidder, literary journalist)
"From you," I say. The crowd
laughs. I look at the woman asking the question; she seems innocent enough. I
continue. "I get them from looking at the world we live in, from reading
the paper, watching the news. It seems as though what I write is often extreme,
but in truth it happens every day."
(A. M. Homes, American novelist and short story writer)
(A. M. Homes, American novelist and short story writer)
My usual, perfectly honest reply is,
"I don't get them; they get me."
(Robertson Davies, Canadian novelist, playwright, and critic
(Robertson Davies, Canadian novelist, playwright, and critic
So what gets your
juices flowing?
We’re debating
this on our Facebook page at
John Dean
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