I was telling someone
about my crime writing the other day and it made me sound a right ghoul, reflecting
on horrible themes as I do.
However, the
more I thought about it the more I realised that all writers need to tackle the
tough subjects.
Emotion is something of which some writers
are wary, preferring to produce work without revealing too much of themselves
or embracing difficult subjects. Perhaps it all becomes too personal.
However, for many other writers, there
cannot be fiction without a sense of themselves in it. For some authors, there
is always part of them peering through, their fears, their hopes, their
aspirations, their unique take on life.
They may not say ‘and this is me’ but it
is there all the same in their writing. For many authors, writing has to be a
deeply personal art.
Of course, it is not all autobiographical
- many writers write characters and scenes which readers find abhorrent and use
language and ideas with which readers might not agree but which need to be
there because they reflect the world about us.
However, in there somewhere are also
tantalising glimpses of what the writer really thinks of the world.
John Dean